Welcome to Bonn Polyphenols 2018
- Post by: redazione
- 6:31AM Mar 22, 2018
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On behalf of the International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health (ISANH) and the Scientific Committee, we are pleased to announce the organization of the 12th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications: Bonn Polyphenols 2018 to be held at the University of Bonn, Germany, from Wednesday September 26 to Friday September 28.
Bonn Polyphenols 2018 will bring together experts from academia and industries to discuss the latest scientific advances in the field of polyphenols and their applications in food, pharmaceutical and medical sciences.
In 2018, the University of Bonn will celebrate its 200th anniversary, highlighting the achievements and offering a varied program of close to 100 events. We are very pleased that the Organizing Committee has decided to hold the 12th edition of the World Congress on Polyphenols Applications at the University of Bonn in this anniversary year.
Research on plant phenolics has a long tradition at the University of Bonn. Authentication of plant-derived foods via analysis of the profile of phenolic compounds, recovery of secondary plant metabolites including phenolics from by-products, color stability of anthocyanins, and bioavailability studies on flavonoids have been key topics of former and current research groups at the Institute of Nutritional and Food Sciences. More recently, antimicrobial properties of phenolics and microbiome-polyphenols interactions have attracted our interest. The 2018 edition of the World Congress on Polyphenols Applications will address these topics and many additional areas of current interest to the polyphenols community such as:
Polyphenols-Microbiome Interactions
Bioavailability, Metabolism & Health Effects of Polyphenols and their metabolites
Focus on Neurodegenerative Diseases
Technological & Biotechnological Aspects of Polyphenols and their metabolites
Polyphenols Innovations in 2018
Characterization and Analysis of Polyphenols and their metabolites
Role of Polyphenols in Plants
Polyphenols in Animal Nutrition and Wellbeing